We've just made a range of updates to OneEyeDeer.
Thanks to all the people who took the time to post / email us with suggestions.
In particular we'd like to thank the following people for their efforts: -
- ct8im
- dr.nic
- Rat Boy Snakey
- lacreme
- sally84
- z0rba
- rach3
- ronron
- oridental
Below are the latest release notes. v0.3 is well one the way and should be released in the next week or so.
As always, if you'd like to see anything in particular you can add it to the suggestions community on the site or email pat [at] oneeyedeer [dot] com.
v0.2 Release Notes
- Solution Ranking added
- Display number of votes added
- Registration compulsory to perform most tasks
- When sending people to register/log in (i.e. if they click post and aren’t logged in) return them to what they were trying to do after they’ve registered/logged in
- One page for login and register
- Fix session length (no longer need to keep logging in every time you return)
- Password retrieval
- Display poster’s name at bottom of issue detail
- Auto-add community creator to community
- Put numbers on solution tabs to show number of discussions/edits etc.
- One solution raking slider: how good is this solution
- "Please login" message on login page
- Removed all summaries