Monday 27 October 2008

Harvard Business Review Article on User Led Innovation

Intuit co-founder Scott Cook has written a really interesting article for the HBR October 2008 issue called "The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business".

You can check it out HERE

It's a really good overview of how more and more large organisations are starting to embrace user-led innovation and also covers some of the reasons why there is resistance to adoption.

A really good read.

Monday 4 August 2008

Latest Testing Round Has Closed

The latest round of testing has closed.

We're now going to go back into development mode and will re-release for another round of testing in a few short weeks.

The feedback we've received from the current round has been invaluable in helping us understand what we've got right and what we need to focus on and improve.

To all the people who have contributed and given us feedback, we'd like to say thanks in our own special way. As such, we've prepared some limited edition OneEyeDeer t-shirts for you.

We will never reproduce those t-shirts so you will always have something which shows that you were there at the start. If you drop us an email to kim (at) oneeyedeer (dot) com with your size (S,M,L,XL) and where you'd like us to post your t-shirt to, you can expect a nice surprise in the mail in the next few weeks.

Once again, thanks a million for your help and we'll be in touch shortly.

If you weren't a part of the last round of beta-testing, you can go to the site now and sign up for the next round.

More to come soon :)

Wednesday 23 July 2008

OneEyeDeer v0.2 Released

We've just made a range of updates to OneEyeDeer.

Thanks to all the people who took the time to post / email us with suggestions.

In particular we'd like to thank the following people for their efforts: -

  • ct8im
  • dr.nic
  • Rat Boy Snakey
  • lacreme
  • sally84
  • z0rba
  • rach3
  • ronron
  • oridental

Below are the latest release notes. v0.3 is well one the way and should be released in the next week or so.

As always, if you'd like to see anything in particular you can add it to the suggestions community on the site or email pat [at] oneeyedeer [dot] com.

v0.2 Release Notes

  • Solution Ranking added
  • Display number of votes added
  • Registration compulsory to perform most tasks
  • When sending people to register/log in (i.e. if they click post and aren’t logged in) return them to what they were trying to do after they’ve registered/logged in
  • One page for login and register
  • Fix session length (no longer need to keep logging in every time you return)
  • Password retrieval
  • Display poster’s name at bottom of issue detail
  • Auto-add community creator to community
  • Put numbers on solution tabs to show number of discussions/edits etc.
  • One solution raking slider: how good is this solution
  • "Please login" message on login page
  • Removed all summaries

Friday 11 July 2008

And Off We Go Again...

Finally we're ready to start another round of testing.

With the amount of dramas we've had, culminating in a 4 day server outage thanks to Media Temple, you'd think that someone had it in for us.

But we've made it through that little rough patch and we're really excited to have people playing with the site again.

In a short while will be available for use again.

In case you're not on the mailing list (drop me an email at kim [at] oneeyedeer [dot] com if you'd like to be added) we're asking people to do 2 things

1. Register

So you can also see your MyPad page and Join Communities

2. Tell us about bugs/suggestions

We've created special communities –
i. OED Bugs - for bugs; and
ii. OED Suggestions - for suggestions

Just join those communities then anytime you post a bug or suggestion add it to the appropriate community.

If you'd like to speak to us about something that's not a bug or suggestion, then feel free to email me on the address above.

We look forward to hearing your feedback

Monday 30 June 2008

So near - yet so far...

Just as we were about to launch our latest round of testing a couple of weeks ago, Firefox 3 released and broke our open-source WYSIWYG editor :(

We could have just gone ahead, but at just over 25.6 Million downloads (check out the current count here)it's not something we could ignore.

Ahhhh - the perils of open-source...

It's a constant conversation we have while developing the site - how much should we build ourselves and how much open source should we use? The pros and cons of each are obvious, often favouring open-source. Except in situations like this.

Anyway, I'm sure a fix is just around the corner - so those of you who have signed up, stay tuned for a release some time this week.

If you haven't signed up but would like to help us build something special, please pop into and leave us your details.

We promise not to spam you or do anything else rude like that :)

More news to come...

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Goodbye Cambrian House?

So it looks like one of the pioneers of the crowdsourcing movement, Cambrian House is on the way out.

Personally I put this down to 2 things: -

1. Crowdsourcing =/= Lead User Innovation (and its cousin - prosumption)

2. If money is used as an incentive to get people to collaborate on innovation projects then you invite problems that are very difficult to overcome

I won't go into the detail on this - unless someone asks :) - but while it's sad to see a pioneer in trouble it's also good to see that even when there is still a lot of hype in this space that poor execution won't be rewarded for ever.

On to our launch...

Sunday 6 April 2008

Barcamp Sydney 3

Just finished up 2 days at Barcamp Sydney 3.

As usual, it was an excellent couple of days and another example of the potential that exists within the Sydney Startup Community.

Congrats to the barcamp unorganisers.

I did a quick talk on Open Coffee focussing on what else other entrpreneurs want/need in terms of support to help them grow their businesses. Got some really good feedback which we'll build into future iterations of Open Coffee.

Other than that, it was nice to spend 2 days with so many people in the same position as us. Makes me more passionate and motivated than ever.

if you weren't able to make it this time I highly recommend you keep an eye out for barcamp 4 and make it then


Saturday 29 March 2008

The Million Dollar Idea Inside You

Interesting article over at Harvard Business Online about open source innovation.

While what BIG is doing may seem exciting at first, it's not until the comments that you see how they've gotten it wrong. To quote Phil Meyers' (from TunedIn Blog) comment:

Interesting stuff. I'll have to pick up Michael's book. Our research found that the best innovations didn't come from inventors looking for big ideas but practical folks looking to solve a problem that they found a bunch of people had.

That's what so many of these crowdsourcing/open innovation/open invention plays seem to be missing - Engaging the crowd is only innovation 1.5. Having the balls to let the crowd lead your innovation process is Innovation 2.0 (of course OneEyeDeer will be Innovation 3.0 ;)

Why do so many people find it so difficult to get over this company-centric view of the world?

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Secrets of online advertising

Interesting Panel the other day at Microsoft Mix08.

Duncan Riley made has posted a video over at Techcrunch.

Featured in the panel and video is Frank Arrigo (Microsoft), Bryan Biniak (CEO Jacked), Tim Kendall (Facebook), Loic Le Meur (CEO Seesmic), Chris Saad (Particls).

Quote of the day? Must go to Tim Kendall of Facebook with :

“Facebook believes the best ads are the ones users don’t know are ads”

Hold on. If what he means by that is that traditional advertising is broken and that companies are going to have to find new ways to engage the people that choose to use their products and services, then that's what Umair over at Bubblegen has been saying for ages and is a great step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, what he probably meant is that the best ads are the ones that trick you into thinking they’re something else. Just another example of the the other thing Umair has been speaking about a lot lately - i.e. Facebook's impending demise because of the inherent evilness of their DNA

haha - nice job demonstrating why Facebook will eventually fall back to earth, Tim.

Other than that, props to Chris Saad. Definitely the most interesting guy on the panel.

We're back!

Time for us to start blogging again.

Same focus with a little more info on how we're progressing with our startup

It's good to be back.