Friday 12 January 2007

Visualising Data - 2007's big thing?

There's a great post over at Guy Kawasaki's blog about data visualisation.

This is something I've been looking at for a while and I'm suprised that it's never reached the magical Tipping Point. It's definitely something we're going to be using at One Eye Deer and with all the data that's flying around these days, I feel it will soon be an important feature of many other innovative sites.

The good news about that is the more people there are that are mucking around with data visualisation, the more likely it is that the field will advance rapidly from one that is highly specialised into one that is understood by, and relevant to, my mum and most other people in the general, non-techcrunch reading, public.

I also expect that in-line with the increased use will come better tools to make the process of representing all types of data/text etc. visually much, much easier. (If anyone knows of any easy to use data visulation tools - please let me know)

I've got some pretty good links on this stuff - but I can't remember where I've put them (Note to self - need to get into the whole thing so my bookmarks aren't spread over 3 computers). Once I find them I'll put them up for anyone who may be interested.

I know it's only the 2nd week of 2007 and that labelling data visulalisation as one of 2007's big things is a massive call, but when people like Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki are starting to focus on a topic, you know that it's close to tipping.

Keep an eye on this one...

EDIT: Here's one site that has heaps of interesting visualisation links


Mike said...

Call vecosys

KH said...

Hi Mike

Thanks for commenting.

I'm not exactly sure why you're suggesting I call vecosys though :(

Could you clarify?
