Friday 30 March 2007

Sydney Open Coffee Club

I've been reading a bit about Saul Klein's brainchild - Open Coffee Club.

Essentially its about making an informal (no name badges...ever!), regular (i.e. same place, same time) meeting spot where people know that if they want to roll up to meet other entrepreneurs, developers, investors, tech journalists or whatever, they can.

Because I like the idea so much, I'm trying to organise (what I think is) the first Sydney Open Coffee Club (OCC)

Here's my post over at the Open Coffee Club site.

If you're interested in coming to the Sydney OCC please answer the 2 questions I've put there and tell your friends/family whatever so that we can get this thing started.

I really believe we have the necessary ingredients to put Sydney on the tech map, to produce an excellent investment environment for those willing to invest, to create amazing projects for develops to work on and maybe to stop our budding entrepreneurs from having to go overseas for recognition and reward.

Remember - spread the word!


Gavin Heaton said...

Hi there ... did you actually kick start this coffee morning?

Anonymous said...

Hey Gavin

We kicked everything off a few months back - we now have over 200 members and have some very exciting things in the pipeline

Check it out here -