Friday 11 May 2007

Friday Afternoon Update

I'll agree - I've been very slack of late with the posting

Between a few separate projects I've been too busy to even think about posting - which isn't much of an excuse as it doesn't take long to put a few words up - but its the excuse I'm going to use :)

Since the last post we had our first Sydney OpenCoffee Meeting. About 20 people showed up. It was great to hear about other people's experiences and struggles in the process of trying to run a start up.

So far we have over 50 people signed up to our Meetup group and the number is growing daily. All this interest makes me glad that I decided to help get the Sydney Startup community together as there was obviously a need for it.

One Eye Deer is also coming along. Admittedly it got stalled for a couple of other projects we're about to launch - but we should be back on point very soon and ready to get something out to our friends to test.

I haven't been doing my usual amount of reading but it's been interesting to see the interest that has come up in SMS in the US. Most of the hype was started by Twitter (I still don't get what the fascination with it is) but now others are jumping on the bandwagon. All this excitement is kind of handy because one of the projects that kept us away from OED just happened to be an SMS application. Hopefully all this SMS buzz will allow us to create a much bigger presence with it in the US than we would have been able to only 6 or 12 months ago.

I've also been trying to keep on top of microformats, openID stuff and, of course, visualisation of data, but the fields are moving quite fast at the moment and I need a little more time to bury myself in the detail.

Off to work on things again.

Hopefully I can be better with the regular posting from now on


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